Celebrities And Their Amazing Genes

Published on 02/20/2020

Kate Beckinsale – Lily Sheen (late teenage years)

Lily Sheen, daughter of Kate Beckinsale and Michael Sheen, is the spitting image of her stunning mamma. Kate has achieved marvelous career success with multiple blockbuster movies and has undoubtedly passed on some of her talents. Lily has not yet expressed any interest in following her parents’ footsteps but we’re fairly certain that she could do so quite comfortably if she chose! She has a far more innocent-looking face than her vampire-slaying mom, wouldn’t you agree?

Kate Beckinsale And Lily Sheen

Kate Beckinsale And Lily Sheen


Heath Ledger – Matilda Ledger (under 10)

The young Matilda Rose Ledger bears such a striking resemblance to her father it is almost unsettling. Although her father sadly didn’t get to know her, as he died when she was just two years old, he certainly left behind a wonderful legacy for her to discover. Matilda lives with her mother Michelle Williams who is no stranger to accomplishments in her career either. This young lass has inherited clear physical features but also a wonderfully adventurous nature and who knows if perhaps, in time, she may want to follow in her late fathers’ footsteps.

Heath Ledger And Matilda Ledger

Heath Ledger And Matilda Ledger