Feeling Concerned
Jamie and Keely knew it was time for her to see a medical professional. The symptoms she had were now very worrying as she was not pregnant. She may have had a miscarriage and not known or there could be something even more serious going on. There is all manner of horrifying issues that can arise in the realm of pregnancy, and Keely was not going to discount any grim possibilities. Things were seeming nightmarish for the poor Keely.

Feeling Concerned
Finding a Diagnosis
The couple agreed that Keely needed to see a doctor. They would not get answers, however. The doctor examined her and told her she was just chubby. Keely felt she had nowhere else to go for help in diagnosing her condition. Can you imagine how trapped and afraid this poor woman must have felt? When not even doctors can help you with a serious condition, you can feel imprisoned by your suffering with no way out.

Finding A Diagnosis