The Habits You Need To Drop To Protect Your Kidneys and Heart

Published on 12/10/2019

Take The Full Dose of Prescribed Medications

Many of us have the terrible practice of stopping our medication before we have finished the full course of the prescription because we already feel a whole lot better. Don’t be tempted! Your prescribed medication helps to regulate your body (blood pressure medication, for example) and as routine is generally good for the body, changing the method of your prescription and taking them as a casual thing will throw your kidneys’ off-balance, confusing your body’s routine flow, which can be bad for those organs.

Take The Full Dose Of Prescribed Medications

Take The Full Dose Of Prescribed Medications


Know Your Supplements

Supplements can be significant, and many of us turn to them occasionally or take some each day. But have we ever taken the time to research exactly what it is we are consuming, and precisely what the dosage should be, especially if taken in combination with other medicines? Take cranberry and vitamin C, for instance, small amounts are perfect for the body, but too much can lead to kidney stones. Other supplements that can be damaging to your kidneys should you consume too much of them also include willow bark, licorice, wormwood oil, geranium, and even turmeric. Again, that isn’t to say those ingredients are harmful to your kidneys – just make sure you have the right amount and that it isn’t an adverse reaction with other medications you are on.

Know Your Supplements

Know Your Supplements