The Habits You Need To Drop To Protect Your Kidneys and Heart

Published on 12/10/2019

Lower Your Consumption of Red Meats

A lot of us love meat, but are we really aware of how much too much is bad for us? Consuming red meat once in a while is good enough but proven harmful if done too often. There are toxic elements found in red meat that can be detrimental to your kidneys (based on reports from the American Society of Nephrology), and one should be careful how they eat it. Kidney failures can be reduced by an average of 62 percent if red meat is replaced by a plant-based protein at least once a week.

Lower Your Consumption Of Red Meats

Lower Your Consumption Of Red Meats


Get on Your Feet More Often

Moving around may turn out to be a healthier choice for your kidneys than sitting for long hours. An estimated 1-hour per day of physical activity will help to regulate your blood flow and ease the pressure on the kidneys. Be flexible with your desk job by taking regular walks to the restroom or even to get water. You could also swap your ordinary desk for a standing one, as the woman in the picture below is using.

Get On Your Feet More Often

Get On Your Feet More Often