You know what doesn’t sound good? High blood pressure. Diabetes. Clogged arteries. High cholesterol. Obesity.
You know what does sound good? Superfoods.
The heroes your heart needs are listed conveniently below for your healthy lifestyle assistance. You probably don’t have the time to scan through medical studies or take nutrition classes – but luckily we do. Those problems we used to scare you into reading this article are easily prevented, in part, by changing your diet with all or some of the delectable superfoods we’ve listed below. Stay healthy with these hearty superfoods! Remember, it is not enough to just have a handful of blueberries or a spoon of chia seeds once in a while and expect your immune system to stay strong and healthy, and your heart doing its job without difficulty; it has to be part of a lifestyle decision to live your best life! And for the final wise words before we move into our list, keep in mind that MODERATION is the keyword in every healthy lifestyle (so, yes, almonds are good for you, but not bagfuls of them every day!).
This juicy and sweet soccer mom staple is more than an energy boost for pre-teens at halftime! On top of quenching your thirst, you’ll gain some serious nutrients: vitamin C, potassium, and pectin (which is fiber). Turns out, potassium isn’t just for bananas; it also helps lower blood pressure, moderate sodium intake, and neutralize proteins that contribute to heart scar tissue or heart failure. Pectin plays an important role too and helps absorb cholesterol in foods.

Beyond being the most joked about cabbage, kale brings the heart as well as the laughs. Whether you massage it before tossing it in a salad or mix it into a smoothie, kale is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and (you guessed it) more fiber! Kale leads the leafy greens as far as heart health goes, as it helps maintain the cardiovascular system and helps prevent heart disease. Naturally, it’s low in fat and calories as well, which rounds out this near-perfect leaf quite well.
