One of the most versatile foods on our list, garlic provides the flavor, vampire repellant, and heart boost! Although it may be the least exciting on that list, garlic reduces enzymes that negatively impact your blood vessels and tackles the plaque in your arteries. Knowing vampires won’t be around won’t be the only reason your blood pressure is lowered when this bulbous plant is a key part of your diet. Just make sure not to burn it when frying, as that just leaves a bad smell in the house.

Red Wine
A constant favorite regardless of the health benefits, it’s nice to know that red wine also helps keep cholesterol in check and boost high-density lipoproteins (HDL) levels. Like kale, it’s loaded with antioxidants but the ones in red wine help stave off coronary heart disease. While it’s making your inhibitions flexible, it’s doing the same for your blood vessels. The bad news? Avoid the infamous “rosé all day,” the experts definitely emphasize moderation in order to fully capture the health benefits.

Red Wine