Chilli Peppers
Buying tickets to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert might be good for your heart’s emotions but a consumable red hot chili pepper is good for your actual heart! Pick a pepper with capsaicin, if you can handle that extra kick! That spice will help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Just make sure not to over-indulge in the spicy treats, as we all know what happens when you get ‘ring sting.’ Chilli peppers go incredibly with most savory meals.

Chilli Pepper
Those thin slices on your sushi tray are for more than palate-cleansing before your next roll! Consuming this hearty root will add a fragrant spice to your dish and help you avoid high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Anyone who has ever had a hot toddy will tell you how incredible ginger is for fighting the flu. The active property within ginger is gingerol, which is brimming with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities. Did you know that ginger is also incredible for warding nausea? Mothers-to-be, take note, as ginger is amazing for helping with morning sickness.
