Newton knew what he was doing: figs are a rich source of heart-healthy nutrition like calcium and fiber. Eating it raw, dried, or in a jam is more than a good preventative move, it can also reverse the effects of heart disease. Figs are jam-packed with natural sugars, soluble fibre, and essential minerals, such as iron, copper, and magnesium. Figs grow on trees called ficuses, being a member of the diverse and lovely mulberry family.

Flax Seeds
Flax seeds bring the heat! If by “heat” you mean “omega-2 essential fatty acids.” This popular add on for everything from smoothies to salads is rich in estrogen and antioxidants. If you don’t eat fish or nuts, its time to make flax a starting player instead of second string in the lifelong game for a healthy heart! There is a good reason why flax seeds have been a staple in many traditional people’s diets for hundreds of years.

Flax Seeds