Before you shift your diet to only chocolate, wine, and coffee, it’s worth mentioning the keyword here: moderation! A recent study showed coffee has properties that reduce some serious health issues like heart failure, stroke, and coronary heart disease (no more than two a day, and black!). No word on creamer, cow’s milk, and sugar but I wouldn’t hold your breath for those common coffee additives to make this list! Start enjoying your coffee black and begin weaning yourself off the unhealthy extras.

Spice up a salad, sip on cranberry juice, or snack on these natural gummies on their own. This superfruit helps your heart stay healthy and prevents UTIs. On top of that, adding these to your diet lowers your chance of getting gum disease, stomach ulcer, and even cancer! This is another fruit that when juiced possesses incredible anti-inflammatory properties. You might find the stuff a bit difficult to get used to, given how tart it is, but it is worth the acquired taste.
