If you need a break from “chicken of the sea” and other fish and you’re trying to be heart-conscious and avoid red meat, chicken packs the protein punch for you! This lean meat fills the meat cravings for the health-conscious carnivore and keeps you heart-healthy, provided you order or make it grilled, baked, or stir-fried and not fired or wrapped in red meat. Chicken has a variety of health benefits, beyond that of protein, and there are a variety of benefits to be enjoyed from its different body parts.

For those among us who like hummus, here’s another reason to put your pita in this popular dip! Chickpeas bring a lot to the table: potassium, vitamin B6, fiber, and vitamin C, which all help to lower cholesterol and drop your risk of heart problems later on. Not bad for a food normally eaten after its been churned into a thick legume smoothie. Chickpeas are incredibly versatile, and there is good reason why Middle-Eastern cuisine includes the little fellows in so much of its dishes.
