Turns out, carrots don’t help you improve your eyesight but you can thank the British for spreading that lie to protect their new radar technology from German eyes during World War II! And just like the Allies fighting the Axis with secret tech, carrots fight free radicals (which contribute to heart disease) with carotenoids, yet another important antioxidant. Carotenoids combined with vitamins A, K, and C and other nutrients round out this super food’s superpowers that benefit your skeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

Potentially known to some as the “anti-chocolate” this acquired taste is worth it if you value high levels of good cholesterol and lower levels of the detrimental triglyceride. Thanks to those omega-3 fatty acids, sardines can help your heart do those two things and bring down inflammation and prevent heart disease. In the city of Durban, South Africa, what is known as a ‘Sardine Run’ takes place annually. You can bet that Durban’s population is incredibly healthy!
