Black Beans
Burritos, soups, and dips – oh my! These beans help you feel full without adding too much fat to your diet even though they are packed with fiber, potassium, protein, and other vitamins and nutrients. Lower cholesterol & reduce your risk of heart disease with some black beans today! Fair warning, that joke about beans bringing gas to anyone who eats them has plenty of truth to it, so make sure not to order a dish with beans in it when you go on that first date.

Black Beans
Reduced-Fat Yogurt
Yogurt’s active cultures add vitamin A, B2, B6 & D; iodine; zinc; calcium; and another common item on this list, protein! Ward off strokes, heart disease, and cancer while you reduce blood pressure with reduced-fat yogurt! Yogurt is incredible for healthily balancing your gut bacteria. Please make sure that you do not buy flavored yogurt, as that is a sugary trap. While the taste of plain yogurt might be an acquired taste, you can make a fantastical breakfast bowl with oat clusters and your favorite berries.

Reduced Fat Yogurt