For yet another way to add some variety in your salad, look to this leafy green to bring some vitamin C your way! In addition to being a key antioxidant that boosts your immune system, vitamin C also helps keep arteries healthy. Cabbage is quite a low-calorie way to keep your heart healthy! Cabbage is a firm favorite among those suffering from chronic illnesses that include inflammation. If you can stomach it, cabbage juice is a fantastic anti-inflammatory packed powerhouse.

Brown Rice
We all know brown rice is second to white rice in popularity but brown rice beats white rice for most nutrients! Brown rice has more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Swap out white rice for brown if you’re looking for weight loss, diabetes preventions, and a lower chance of heart disease. Cause, in the words of Mitch Hedberg, “Rice is great if you’re really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.” It’s also great for heart health!

Brown Rice