Dragon Fruit
You might never have even seen this tropical fruit in person, and it is rather difficult to source in some parts of the world. But if you have some spare time, hunting for dragon fruit is worth the effort. Dragon fruit won’t breathe fire but it will help you put up a fight against heart problems! Delicious taste & immune system boosting, this fruit brings loads of phytonutrients, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins into your body to keep you going!

Dragon Fruit
Did you know that pistachios grow on the pistachio tree, and are actually the huge plant’s seeds? Unfortunately, pistachio ice cream likely does not count for heart health, even if it reduces stress as you eat it! Look to these to provide good and unsaturated fats and fatty acids, and plant sterols to help you go from cardi-no to cardi-yes! Puns aside, these nuts hold a lot of protein, potassium, and antioxidants inside their shells. If you are worried about encountering cardiovascular disease somewhere down the line, pistachios are your best friend, as they greatly lower the chances of suffering from heart-related conditions.
