What Superfoods Keep Your Heart Beating? Read on to unclog your arteries and ward off heart attacks!

Published on 04/16/2019


Radish’s benefits include regulating digestion, aiding the immune system, and maintaining healthy blood pressure. Toss it in a salad or add it to coleslaw and let potassium and vitamin C get to work on your body! Radishes are also a great source of riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, as well as folate. If you have never tried a radish out before, you might be amazed at how peppery and spicy these little crunchy vegetables are.




Green Peas

A great low-calorie option to help boost your immune system, these little legumes help promote a healthy heart with vitamins A, C, & K and iron. It’s true: world peas could reduce the whole world’s blood pressure! This is largely thanks to the aforementioned benefits, as well as their antioxidant-stuffed properties, as well as a good helping of fiber. New research has shown that green peas will bring a range of chronic illness fighting resources to the human body, being especially good for defending your body from cancer and heart disease.

Green Peas

Green Peas