He Felt Anxious
The fact that I had returned to the scene did not seem to have been noticed by anybody else. They’d become used to my absence at this point. As he recounts it in his book, the bleak realization struck him that he would have to “spend the rest of my life like that, completely alone” hit him hard.

He Felt Anxious
In the hope and prayer that someone would notice his attempts to engage with them at some time in the future, the man walked away.
He Felt Powerless
According to Martin, the experience had been “a bit unnerving at times.” “What really got to me was the sense of complete and total powerlessness I was experiencing. It is impossible for anybody to have any control or decision over your life.” In other words, “every single aspect of your existence is managed and chosen by someone else.”

He Felt Powerless
In addition, he said that “they picked everything,” including where you were, what you ate, whether or not you sat or laid down, in what position you lay down, and everything else.