Half a Decade of Neck Elongation Later, “Giraffe Lady” Decides To Remove Her Rings For Good

Published on 02/18/2020

Not Taking Chances

The excess energy burned to carry the extra weight would prove challenging for anyone, especially if you have to do that around the clock. You can imagine that even sleeping would be a challenge, and most areas of Sydney’s life were being impacted by the hanging metal. Many may even consider it somewhat of torture, and Sydney started feeling the burden on her health in this regard. Few people can withstand this much pressure and discomfort for so long.

Not Taking Chances

Not Taking Chances


Medical Recommendations

But there were more people than just her friends and family who were beginning to voice their concerns. Doctors were weighing in on her situation, and a local surgeon from California said she was tempting fate with a serious injury related to the nerves in her neck. As her body was no longer growing, his estimation was that she was stretching her skin and that she had peaked in terms of how far she could go.

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