Half a Decade of Neck Elongation Later, “Giraffe Lady” Decides To Remove Her Rings For Good

Published on 02/18/2020

The Rings And Her Life

More recently, Sydney has shared why she decided to eventually remove the (then) painful coils from her neck. She explained that she could no longer function properly, and it was affecting her ability to do ordinary things that other people take for granted. This was a severely debilitating addition that she had made to an otherwise perfectly functioning body, and she began sorely missing the freedom that she once enjoyed. Some goals just are not worth the trouble.

The Rings And Her Life

The Rings And Her Life


Life Changes Forever

It can’t have been easy to go about your daily routine with fifteen coils wrapped around your neck. In fact, she may even have started to miss some of the things she could do before she started the experiment, which contributed to her decision to remove the rings. While some people may not understand why anyone would go through this restrictive and painful process to begin with, it seemed like Sydney was starting to share their opinions.

Life Changes Forever

Life Changes Forever