Half a Decade of Neck Elongation Later, “Giraffe Lady” Decides To Remove Her Rings For Good

Published on 02/18/2020

Pain and Weakness

But Sydney would have suffered considerably with her rings, something that she only revealed after the process. In the first few weeks, she said she was in a lot of pain, with her neck as weak as “arms on a toothpick”. This may not be fun to hear, but it helps to think about if you ever consider doing something similar, or if you have a similar fascination with neck elongation. Don’t try this at home!

Pain And Weakness

Pain And Weakness


The Recovery Process

Bruising and stiffness aside, doctors did tell Sydney that she was recovering faster than they had anticipated she would. Perhaps as a result of luck or a genetic predisposition, but it seemed as if the worst had been avoided in this instance. It also helped that Sydney’s neck was longer than usual, and who knows what injuries she could have sustained if a person with a shorter neck had stacked these coils. So, was it all worth it in the end?

The Recovery Process

The Recovery Process