Half a Decade of Neck Elongation Later, “Giraffe Lady” Decides To Remove Her Rings For Good

Published on 02/18/2020

Media Buzz

Local media outlets were thrilled to cover this story, and it didn’t take long for it to spread like wildfire. This was because of pure curiosity, but also because it wouldn’t typically be a very Western thing to do. When Westerners feel like a part of their body or face could be improved, they will often pay cosmetic surgeons for nose jobs or tummy tucks. Not Sydney, as she had taken her personal aesthetics into her own hands.

Media Buzz

Media Buzz


Expanding The Scope

To her surprise, Sydney would soon find herself being turned into a comic book character. Sans superpower, she still gave many people a feeling of hope and victory. Given how many people there are out there that dream of being different, but are too scared to express themselves, Sydney is something of a heroine. This added to the media attention and garnered her more than just local fame. It was time for Sydney’s international debut.

Expanding The Scope

Expanding The Scope