We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America

Published on 01/13/2021

It is no mystery that America has an unhealthy relationship with junk food. While we would never shame someone for having any kind of body, we do feel that the United States of America has an alarming amount of obese and overweight individuals. To best summarize the problem, we have ranked the country’s fifty states by their obesity rates. If your state happens to be on this list, then you might want to start making a change by eating healthily and exercising. Many people feel like this is easier said than done, but putting things into perspective helps individuals to make personal changes when they realize the severity of the situation. Without further ado, here are America’s heaviest states. It is time for us, as a nation, to address our overreliance on comfort eating!

We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America

We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America


54.Colorado – 22.6% Obesity Rate

Colorado is actually the thinnest state in America, with the lowest obesity rate in the country with a 22.6% rate. While Colorado’s active population might excel at counting calories, there is a worrying rise in obesity within the health-focused state. This threat mainly affects older folks aged between 45 and 64 years. As you can imagine, this vitality-focused local government has taken a stand against the rising number of overweight people by introducing new laws and spreading awareness.

