We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America

Published on 01/13/2021

53.District of Columbia – 23% Obesity Rate

Here we have some uplifting news – the District of Columbia managed to lessen its obesity rate by 1.9% from 2011 to 2012. As with Colorado, the District’s middle-aged population suffers the worst from obesity. Nevertheless, the District of Columbia is the runner-up for the thinnest state, or rather, it has the second-lowest obesity rate in the country, being only slightly ahead of Colorado. As for the youth, 17.8% could lose some weight while 17.7% are obese. A combination of insufficiently healthy diets and a lack of exercise make some of the District of Columbia’s children too hefty.




52.Hawaii – 23.8% Obesity Rate

We now fly to the tropical paradise of Hawaii, where obesity has indeed reached the island state’s shores, but nowhere nearly as severely as the mainland. Still, many Hawaiians are shamefully lazy, with 23.5% of the majority refusing to participate in exercise of any form. You might not believe that a place with so much luscious fruit would struggle to eat healthily, but 37% of Hawaii’s adult population does not eat naturally! It seems like no matter where you go in America, there will be people that refuse to be healthy.

