We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America

Published on 01/13/2021

9.Alaska – 34.2% Obesity Rate

Alaska’s obesity rate has doubled (and then some) since 1991. Three decades ago, the state only had an obesity rate of 13%. Few can rationalize how things got so bad in Alaska over the years, given how hard Alaskan health officials push healthy eating to young school kids. Researchers believe that Alaska’s prohibitively expensive healthy food pushes many into relying on junk and fast food to get by. Certainly, much of America’s overweight problem is based on inaccessibly costly wholesome ingredients.




8.Kentucky – 34.3% Obesity Rate

We finally reached the state famous for a certain world-famous fried chicken. Kentucky suffered from a criminal obesity rate of 37% in 2018, and despite having dropped amazingly to 34.3% in 2020, there is still much work (and working out) to be done. Between 2016 and 2017, Kentucky ranked second in the youth obesity rate. Again, having the majority of its population cut off from healthy food is a leading contributor to this state’s obesity epidemic.

