We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America

Published on 01/13/2021

3.Oklahoma – 36.5% Obesity Rate

If you are a child aged between 10 and 17 in Oklahoma, then you have an 18% chance of being obese. Oklahoma ranks sixth on the most obese children in the United States list. Throughout the last thirty years, Oklahoma’s age bracket between 6 and 11 has doubled in its obesity rate. As for youths aged between 12 and 19, this rate has quadrupled. Officials have named sugary drinks as the main culprit for this skyrocketing obesity rate among kids, who adore energy drinks and soda.




2.Mississippi – 37.3% Obesity Rate

Mississippi is another place where you can sit down for some calorie-loaded deliciousness like chocolatey mud pies and spicy blue crab stew, among many others. This dedication to unhealthy food has brought the state to one of the highest obesity rates within the country. Sadly, there is but one state that has overcome this obesity crisis. With 37.3% of Mississippi’s adult population having indulged to extreme levels, you can bet that this problem is not going to go anywhere soon.

