We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America

Published on 01/13/2021

49.Montana – 25.3% Obesity Rate

Montana is another state that has managed to keep obesity largely in check, doing only slightly worse than California with a 25.3% obesity rate. Montana’s public health programs have championed major population centers like hospitals and schools’ eating standards by enforcing the serving of healthy meals. Overall, Montana has made impressive strides toward combatting the effects of obesity and the heftier states could learn a thing or two from this state’s good work and strategy.




48.Utah – 25.3% Obesity Rate

While Utah may be on the lower end of the obesity spectrum, it still has plenty of slack that it needs to pick up, given how the chronic illness is gaining momentum throughout the state. While its slowly climbing obesity rate may not be rising as quickly as many other states, Utah’s population still needs to take some radical steps if it wants to avoid becoming like some of the earlier-mentioned heavyweights. Come on Utah, you can do it!

