We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America

Published on 01/13/2021

41.Connecticut – 29.1% Obesity Rate

The United States has a serious obesity problem, with one-third of its total population suffering from obesity. Connecticut departs from the previously mentioned states’ mostly passable obesity rates with a massive jump to 29.1%. It is then unsurprising to hear that Connecticut’s denizens refuse to eat vegetables for each meal of the day, with 71.5% of its population almost being carnivores. Tut-tut, Connecticut, did your kids not pay attention during biology class? Vegetables and fruits are essential for optimum health!




40.Honorable Mention: Idaho – 29.3% Obesity Rate

Idaho is famous for its huckleberry, which is used to make syrup, ice cream, and cheesecake. It is funny how people can turn anything healthy into something sinfully sugary! At least that is what the many secretive huckleberry farms scattered across Idaho that are owned by private groups do. They might want to reconsider their marketing strategies, however, given that people are taking this whole dessert thing too far with a 29.3% obesity rate in this state.

