The Shock And Disbelief
Despite the disbelief, the image displayed on the screen that revealed what was going on within the dog’s womb did not change. Initially, everyone believed that Storie was carrying only six puppies, however, the ultrasound proved everyone wrong. After counting the white outlines, the couple discovered that the mom-to-be was carrying a much larger litter than anyone could have anticipated! Did you guess right? There certainly seemed to be an enormous amount of puppies in the previous picture’s scan!

The Shock And Disbelief
A Recount
While the vet herself was so shocked that she felt the need to recount the outlines, recounting simply confirmed the shocking number of puppies that Storie was carrying. The vet finally broke the news to the hopelessly anxious owners that Storie was carrying a total of 12 puppies! Although dogs do give birth to several puppies at a time in most cases and can handle a fair amount of babies in their bodies at a time, this was a dangerously excessive number.

A Recount