Shocking News
After taking Storie to the vet, the ultrasound revealed the shocking news that would explain why the mom-to-be was unable to deliver her litter. Even after many years of professional work with animals, this vet struggled to comprehend what she was looking at. The screen displayed something even the vet could not believe! What could possibly have alarmed this animal care expert to the point that she struggled to think of a solution? It could only have been an extreme case.

Shocking News
Not Quite Right
The vet simply could not believe what she was seeing displayed on the ultrasound. She counted the white outlines twice over to make sure that what she was seeing was accurate. The news from the vet would alter the couple’s lives, but what was wrong with the image? If you look closely at the image below, you might be able to guess what the issue was. But only the trained eyes of a vet could make proper sense of just how pressing this emergency pregnancy was.

Not Quite Right