Overcrowded Animal Shelters
Research shows that animals living in shelters are pressured with stress and trauma as a result of overcrowding and other factors. Pregnant dogs are more susceptible to experience stress and trauma, especially if they are living in a shelter. Most animals need a safe environment where they can give birth in, where they can be sure that they will free of threats during the birthing process. They also need to make certain that their newborns will not be attacked.

Overcrowded Animal Shelters
Understanding The Dangers
The couple continued to search for answers, and in the midst of their extensive research, they realized the extreme danger that they were facing. Not only could the Pit Bull lose all of her puppies, but she could also die in the process of being unable to give birth. Storie could be so concerned for the wellbeing of her babies, that she might refuse to attempt giving birth altogether, which means that everyone was in grave danger. The couple knew the dog needed immediate medical attention.

Understanding The Dangers