A Misunderstood Breed
It is no secret that Pit Bulls are characterized as extremely violent and aggressive dogs. This may very well be the reason that so many of these dogs are abandoned at shelters, and only a few are adopted. While these dogs are portrayed as vicious killers due to their massive size and strength, the notion that these dogs should be feared is nothing more than a myth. Any animal can be turned vicious and aggressive if they are raised by cruel owners or breeders.

A Misunderstood Breed
Unraveling The Myth
The couple was aware of the reputation that was so unfairly given to Pit Bulls, and yet still opted to adopt several of them. Chris and Mariesa had never experienced any shed of truth in the common belief that these dogs were violent and aggressive, therefore they continued to house a number of them. This is because they loved their dogs unconditionally and raised them in happy and caring environments. Any animal could only dream of living in such a home.

Unraveling The Myth