The True Nature Of Pit Bulls
Despite the common notion that these dogs should be feared, there is no actual scientific evidence that proves Pits are violent in nature. In reality, this breed of dog often has a loving and loyal personality, rather than evil ruthless killers. Pit Bulls are protective of their owners and able to express an abundance of love, many people who own Pit Bulls usually describe them as being nothing but cuddly, fantastic companions. Upon visiting the shelter, the couple’s hearts were immediately stolen by one very special Pit Bull.

The True Nature Of Pit Bulls
Storie Was Already Overdue
After the couple decided that they would bring Storie home, the staff at the shelter broke the news that the Pit Bull needed more than they could have ever imagined. Storie should have already given birth, which was an extremely concerning situation, life-threatening in fact. Not just for her, but for her unborn puppies as well. It was clear that there was little time to waste, and yet Storie’s hesitance was not affected by urgency.

Storie Was Already Overdue