Not So Stylish
As the old adage goes, flaunt it while you’ve got it, but we’re sorry to say you don’t have much anymore, mate. The bit you have chosen to keep, makes the rest look a little sadder. Going bald is a crisis for many men, leading them down some very dark roads. This guy, however, combined what little hair he has left on his head, with the body hair that grows on his neck. A particularly revolting fusion!

Not So Stylish
Party At The Front – Fitness At The Back
It’s not easy growing up, especially when you find those perfect shoes and don’t want to give them up. So, you modify the thing you love to stay with you for longer. Why waste money on new shoes when you could easily edit the ones you have already? This is the kind of ingenuity that will get a person through any crisis, financial or environmental. This woman is the MacGyver of footwear and there is clearly no clothing problem that she cannot fix.

Party At The Front Fitness At The Back