Matt The Meat Man
Meet Meat Matt, he took something a couple of hours ago that didn’t agree with his state of mind and is now firmly within his own belief that he is a lamb shank and should be stored correctly. Or maybe Matt is trying to hide from a pursuer. He thought, “I am made of meat, and would surely camouflage in more of the stuff!” Some people just cannot be helped. Security sure had their hands full trying to wrestle this individual out of the ribs and chops.

Matt The Meat Man
No Rush
Mom said that if you want to keep this tortoise, you have to take it for a walk at least once a week. Walmart is obviously the best kind of park to take a stroll with your tortoise. Given how slowly tortoises move, this shopping trip must have taken the whole day to complete. Unless its owner started dragging it along. That would be incredibly inhumane. Who even takes tortoises for walks to Walmart, anyway? It is certainly an unideal environment for such a tiny and sensitive creature.

No Rush