This guy would make the scariest teacher in the world, or worse yet, most terrifying principal. I’ve always got an eye on you, has a whole new meaning now. Mr. Baldy has taken the saying, ‘eyes in the back of my head’ to the next level. He could also be intensely spiritual, taking the whole ‘third eye’ thing to the next level. Instead of facing out his forehead, this burly gentleman’s one looks out the back of his head.

All Seeing Eye
Could Bee A Prank…
Now, this is a site where the roles are usually reversed. Kid at the toy machine, parents impatiently waiting. We theorize that the parents might be trying to pull a mean prank on the kid, but we’re pretty sure he doesn’t really get it. Wonder if they caught anything with that stupid claw? Having gamers for parents is a real hassle. Any game that they walk past is sure to steal their attention. Someone could easily snatch that kid and the parents would not even notice, that is how invested they are.

Could Bee A Prank