There might have been a time when this was totally acceptable attire, heck, the right person could make that look good nowadays. We’re sorry-not-sorry to say that this guy would have been out of place even back in the eighties. There is just a bit too much thigh on display here for us to feel comfortable. This man needs to learn how to dress appropriately when out in public, but we certainly are not going to tell him so.

The Plunge
We’re trying to forget that plunging people with plungers was ever a popular thing, but we can’t. We would also not be surprised to find out that it got its start in a Walmart somewhere. This madman is on the loose in Walmart, attacking people with an endless supply of plungers. While toilet humor is incredibly hit-and-miss, taking it to a literal level is unadvisable. Perhaps the man pictured on the right just wanted to pretend to be a unicorn…

The Plunge