Lizzy The Living Hair Accessory
I was going to go over and introduce myself. I had never felt this nervous before, what would I say. Then I accepted the truth, she was a lizard and she was already catching a ride on another lady’s head. Some people cannot go anywhere without their pets, and while most people expect that to mean cats and dogs, some people prefer scales over fur. Lizards must be incredible companions, friendly and tame enough to take with you shopping.

Lizzy The Living Hair Accessory
Chocolate Aisle
A moment to remember; snap a photo on the chocolate aisle… That look that she gives you when she reaches for the chocolate almonds is unforgettable, and lets you know that she will never love you more than chocolate coated nuts. We are not going to criticize her for preferring candy nuts over human affection. They are incredibly addictive, and unlike people, will never stop being sweet. Let it be known that chocolate almonds are far superior to boyfriends!

Try Not To Gasp Over These Walmart Shoppers Dress Choice