Shopper Train
A sort of public transport system is available for use at Walmart. These motorized little carts can link together and drive around together like on a bus. Or maybe more like a train. These good people are going on a thrilling tour of their local Walmart. We really hope that the granny leading the convoy is a competent driver, as one wrong turn could take out several shelves. We live in a very strange world, and it does not get more bizarre than this.

Shopper Train
Mom’s Turn To Relax
Remember, guys, when you were ten years old and a show of protective strength was quite the right thing to do? And who are the people who were kind of obligated to encourage you? Your mom and sister, of course. This is a hilarious switch up of the usual scene, where a mom happily pushes her child around in the cart. This lady seems to have had enough of motherly slavery, and now the shoe is on the other foot.

Moms Turn To Relax