#4 Deli Meats
Ham, salami, and bologna mention just a few of several different types of deli meats that are gradually leading you to poor health. These meats contain unhealthy preservatives, additives, nitrates, and sodium that can cause a variety of problems. Deli meats can even lead to behavioral issues in children. It would be a much wiser decision to rather enjoy fresh deli meats straight from the butcher rather than unhealthy supermarket brands.

Deli Meats
#5 Vegetable Oil
Even though vegetable oil may sound healthy, it is packed with trans fats and most of them are GMO. This means that vegetable oils can cause heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, and cause other concerning long term effects that you really want to avoid. Vegetable oils also contain free radicals that can enhance cancerous growths. A better option is to use alternative oils such as coconut oil and olive oil that promote healthy eating.

Vegetable Oil