#10 Artificial Sweeteners
Thanks to misleading advertising, yet again, many people are under the false impression that artificial sweeteners are better than sugar when in fact, they are even worse! The aspartame, neotame, and other artificial ingredients used to make artificial sweeteners can cause diabetes and they can damage your heart and even lead to metabolic syndrome. Aspartame may very well be one of the deadliest ingredients around and you really should remove it from your diet completely. Healthier alternatives to sugar and artificial sweeteners such as honey are a much, much better option that won’t damage your body.

#11 Alcohol
Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not provide any health benefits at all. The high-calorie content found in alcohol can promote extreme weight gain, which can cause obesity. Additionally, alcohol can cause all sorts of problems from depression to liver damage and opting to indulge in alcoholic beverages is undoubtedly damaging your health. The terrible choices a person can make when intoxicated are the least of your worries if you are drinking alcohol regularly!
