Shining Plants
This won’t actually work on your real plants, so please make sure that you do not spray your otherwise healthy succulents with WD-40, but it will do for the plastic kind. True enough, the artificial variety had been meant to last forever. However, this does not mean you do not have to take care of them! Wipe the leaves down with WD-40 and look at the difference. You will be amazed at how dirty these artificial beauties get!

Shining Plants
Removing Ink Stains
Man, isn’t it annoying when you become the victim of ballpoint pen leaks? This problem particularly affects those who love to fiddle with their pens by screwing the tops off and taking them apart. You know who you are! You were minding your own business and now this… When your pockets get inked, spray a bit of WD-40 and it will be gone soon. This is an excellent hack if you find yourself far from home but only have the clothes on your back for the time being.

Removing Ink Stains