Cleaning Dog Poop
As much as we love our dogs, let us face that we all hate it when we step on dog poop without warning. There are also plenty of irresponsible dog owners (and citizens) who walk their dogs and neglect to clean up after their occasional squat. Among other things, it can be annoying when you have to scrape it off. Watch it fall off using WD-40 before cleaning the rest of the mess thoroughly so that no odor or trace remains.

Cleaning Dog Poop
Erasing Sticker Marks
Technology might have come a long way, but that does not mean we can just forget about CDs and DVDs! This is especially true if you have plenty of home videos safely stored on those tiny discs. Remember those labels and tags on the underside? It’s a good thing WD-40 can remove them. We all have plenty of happy memories that we would love to preserve. It just takes a bit of care and dedication.

Erasing Sticker Marks