No More Squeaky Swings
There is a good reason why squeaky swings feature in so many horror films. The sound is enough to drive anyone crazy! While you may be happy that your kid is playing happily on the swings or on the see-saw with a playmate, are you at the same time, going slightly mad with each creak, squeak, and croak the playground equipment is making? Just spray some WD-40 on the parts to get your peace of mind back.

De-Squeaking Swings and Other Playground Equipment
Ashtray Cleaner
Ashtrays are notoriously stinky and dirty, often being left a while outside collecting all the vile old cigarette butts, as well as a bunch of dead insects and dust. Next time you give the ashtray a good clean or when you buy a new one, give it a spray with WD-40 and all the filth will come right off next time it fills up. While you would rather that your guests did not smoke, at least you can clean up after them nicely.

Cleaning Ashtrays