Maintaining Lawnmower Blades
Ah, those dazzling summers spent mowing our neighbors’ lawns for a few dollars a pop. We never considered how much care these appliances needed back in the day… In case you were still unaware of this, your lawnmower’s (which probably wasn’t cheap in itself) blades are actually quite expensive in themselves. If you want to maintain your lawnmower in good condition for longer, keeping the blades from getting rusty is key. Give them some WD-40 loving.

Preserving Lawnmower Blades
Floor Free From Chair Marks
If you ever wondered why your host flinched every time you moved your chair about, you may only have realized when you finally hosted your own. As with shoes, chairs, and all sorts of other kinds of furniture can leave unwanted marks on your floor. To get rid of those stains, just get out your trusty WD-40 and give the floor a wipe. Just make sure you wipe any residue spray to avoid any slipping on your new shiny floor!

Getting Rid of Chair Marks