Man Awakens From 12-Year Coma, His First Words Shook Everyone

Published on 04/11/2022

He Felt Like A Star

Since she had been taught to do so, Martin’s aromatherapist, Virna van der Walt, was the first to observe his nods, smiles, and gazes when they occurred. For him, it was clear that Martin was understanding what he was saying to him at that moment.

He Felt Like A Star

He Felt Like A Star

A wave of euphoria washed over me and I couldn’t stop it. I claimed to be Muhammad Ali, John McEnroe, and Fred Trueman, among other famous athletes. According to him, “when I finished a lap of honor, the audience exploded in ovation.”


He Earned A Degree

When Martin’s health started to deteriorate, he was forced to drop out of school when he was 12 years old. “Obtaining a degree was never something I could have imagined myself completing,” he adds, adding that he had been out of school since then.

He Earned A Degree

He Earned A Degree

At a subsequent press conference, the student claimed that he had “absolutely no recollection of anything, not even fundamental arithmetic or the alphabet,” but that he had nonetheless attended an open day at the University of Hertfordshire.