Pregnant Waitress Receives An Unusual Note From A Police Officer

Published on 09/09/2020

In A Hurry

It is standard practice to try and form a rapport with your clientele in the service industry. Courtney, for her part, had made a commendable effort. She was doing her best to shower the stranger with pleasantries and make him feel welcomed. But despite Courtney’s bubbly approach, the man had clearly been in no mood to chat, which isn’t unheard of, so she left him to his meal. He was the kind of dark and mysterious stranger that was best left in peace.

In A Hurry

In A Hurry


No Father To Rely On

A mother’s heart is one that always wants only what is best for her child, and this young mother to be was no exception. She had been trying to contact the biological father of her as yet unborn baby and trying to get him to play at least some active role in their lives. He had not been heard from for a concerning amount of time. This did not bode well for her hopes of a present father figure for her baby.

No Father To Rely On

No Father To Rely On